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 Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09

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Super Ram
Caput Mundi
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LFever Team Member
LFever Team Member

Number of posts : 2665
Age : 40
Country and city : Glasgow, Scozia
Laziale since : 1990
Registration date : 2008-05-23

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 2:28 am

So many positives from this game. The fact we were without Rocchi and Zarate (not to mention Ledesma and Pandev) just shows the difference Baronio and esp Mauri are making just now. Stefano had a blinder tonight and the defence is beginning to look mean! Twisted Evil
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Son of Maestrelli
Son of Maestrelli

Number of posts : 3884
Age : 35
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Laziale since : 1995
Registration date : 2008-05-23

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 3:19 am

Didn't see the whole game for six zillion reasons but I think I saw enough to make a few points.

Kolarov, Diakite', Baronio cheers
Dabo, Mauri, Siviglia, Muslera Very Happy
The rest did fine bounce

The defence was decent today as it has been all season and as I suspected, i think Ballardini's organisation skills have brought them on quite a bit. I would still like to see a Cribari-Diakite' partnership. It's not ideal but they have different attributes that might just work well together and despite the age gap, they might just learn off each other. Siviglia is well over the hill and not our best defender anyway so I think now Emilson is back, it's time to get that going. However, I don't believe Mobido is "the rock" people are calling him. He's getting there though.

Still have doubts about Matuzalem as a trequartista. I know he can play that position as I watched him regularly play there in the Ukraine but this is Italy and he's not Diego.

Also have issues with Foggia. Despite all his endeavour and his great spirit, he is short in many areas. Doesn't defend well when he does track back and only on occasion does he deliver end product. I know some have lauded his performance tonight; what did he do? scratch I agree he is an exciting player and I love watching him but he needs to consistently deliver if he wants a spot because Mauri and Zarate are doing great in his natural area.

As for how we lost the game, I think quite simply, when things started to go against us, the team lost a bit of faith and Juve took advantage of us like the champions I believe them to be. It's a good lesson learned and there's not much to e discouraged about.

Let's move on.

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 233637
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Caput Mundi
LFever Team Member
LFever Team Member
Caput Mundi

Number of posts : 1434
Age : 32
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Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 3:38 am

Baronio has stood up and answered the critics with a nice, loud "vattenevaffanculo..va".

Matuzalem wasn't as good as we need him to be. We missed the spark of Zarate and despite Cruz' great record I think Rocchi would've been better to start had he been fit. But that's the fault of no-one. Foggia was good, but by no means our best. I agree with Caxi that at this point in time, he just isn't in our best 11.

Ballardini has changed this team completely. We attack as a unit and defend as a unit, everyone has belief and everyone plays their role. This I think is the key to the revival of Baronio and Mauri. To me, Ballardini is one of the best managers going around right now.

On the defence, if it aint broke, don't fix it. Keep the Diakite'-Siviglia partnership and let them get some stability together.

All in all, a disappointing loss, but nothing to get discouraged about. We won't be getting robbed every week. Play like this against Salzburg and we'll be enjoying a great win.


Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 513117 Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 897303
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Curva Maestrelli
Curva Maestrelli

Number of posts : 416
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Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 5:28 am

Giolazio wrote:
So many positives from this game. The fact we were without Rocchi and Zarate (not to mention Ledesma and Pandev) just shows the difference Baronio and esp Mauri are making just now. Stefano had a blinder tonight and the defence is beginning to look mean! Twisted Evil

We agree on something Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Number of posts : 59
Age : 40
Country and city : India
Laziale since : 2002
Registration date : 2009-09-06

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 7:19 am

i think the best performance in this season....

i would want this same solidity and energy also in remaining games (spl Europe games)...


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Number of posts : 5
Age : 36
Country and city : Malaysia
Registration date : 2009-09-07

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 8:37 am

I was very impressed with our performance, especially during the first half. We completly outclassed juve with our passing, notably our offense from the left side. kolarov was awesome.

I wish to see we play using 4-4-2 formation, deploying more from the wings, which was our strong point during the game (or 4-2-3-1) not 4-3-1-2. i believe eliseu and foggia's abilities would be fully utilised under this performance. foggia isnt that good as a 2nd forward/trequista and eliseu was playing more like a left CM than a left winger. i'd like to see more running and slick passing! that would be awesome! Very Happy
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Curva Nord
Curva Nord

Number of posts : 846
Age : 42
Country and city : Bulgaria , Rousse > Now in France
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Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 10:29 am

Not a good result definitely , but the performance was solid...

I couldn't recognize Lazio , Ballardini is making great job , because we look like a team now.... No matter if we have Ledesma , Zarate , Roccchi , Pandev on the pitch , they are playing united as a team, fighting for the public and for the club....That is what I like in the football game , and that's why I have been supporting Lazio , because of the team spirit. That is definitely What Balla impose and he, Lazio is on the right way I think.
Now it is very important to keep the good run and to be consistent in all our forthcoming matches!
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Curva Maestrelli
Curva Maestrelli

Number of posts : 393
Age : 40
Country and city : Australia,Melbourne
Registration date : 2008-07-13

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 11:25 am

Couldn't agree more with Caxi..Lazio are so much more organised...great structure...very solid...

what i will say to a few people out there is...

see what happens when you give some youth a chance in the football world...

Diakite...he is not the most talented..but he wins you over with his endeavour...just like Mudy used too.. Diakite didn't put a foot wrong all night...I thought he was dominant..Looks unorthodox at times, but shows great athleticism and courage getting up for those headers..I believe he is the defender we need..

Siviglia did well too..eventually we will need that strong youn CB...and he should be partnered with Diakite..

Clearly we lost the game because Zarate and Rocchi weren't there...we had no one to finish..Cruz fluffed a great chance..although he played lone ranger for much of the night competing with Chiellini...not an easy task..

Overall, great effort...scoreline looks flattering to Juve..however we dominated Juve...and had a goal incorrectly ruled out..

but we move on...i think we are in for a great season..
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Number of posts : 18
Age : 70
Country and city : Paisley, Scotland
Registration date : 2008-09-20

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 11:45 am

I thought Lazio gave a very decent performance tonight in difficult circumstances. Without Rocchi, who would never be out of my team, and Zarate, I feared the worst against a good Juve side but we made a real fight of it in true laziali style. Ballardini has done a great job so far and the organisation and discipline he has brought to the team is there for all to see.

One or two observations on some players. Muslera has come on very well and is now looking the real deal however he must try to catch the ball a bit more rather than punching it out. I would stick with Foggia as he is obviously talented and whole-hearted. He was out of position tonight but put in a brave performance against strong physical opponents. I remain unconvinced about Matuzalam.

Whilst we would be seriously strengthened if Ledesma and Pandev were available for once I agree with Lotito. If they do not want to play for Lazio then it is right to keep them on the bench. We certainly needed them last night but if their heart is not in it then they must not play.
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Number of posts : 57
Age : 38
Country and city : Jordan-Amman
Registration date : 2008-12-04

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 12:19 pm

we played perfect game before the first goal but I don't know why Ballardini did not use meghni or del nero
why he substitued foggia . and why why inzagi
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Curva Nord
Curva Nord

Number of posts : 859
Age : 37
Country and city : Estonia
Laziale since : 2000
Registration date : 2008-06-01

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 12:39 pm

Its a shame that everyone says Cruz was laizy and so on....i hope he had just a bad day...and i am worried of eliseu also...it seems hes going to be a flop...i really thought hes something over average...
Didnt see the game...cant comment nothing...i hope we are improving and juve didnt just run over us.
I also heard from Pandevs agent that his client would have stand in for Inzaghi but he had to change hes BMW tires...
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Curva Nord
Curva Nord

Number of posts : 784
Age : 34
Country and city : Bulgaria, Sofia
Laziale since : 1998
Registration date : 2008-05-23

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 12:56 pm

I'm proud with the team. They showed great spirit and played all the 90 minutes for the win. The team was without Zarate, Rocchi and Brocchi and played such good football and deserved to take at least 1 point. I'm sad that we didn't take a point or 3 but I'm really happy with the way the boys played. If they continue like this we can stard dreaming of a top 4 finish.
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LFever Team Member
LFever Team Member

Number of posts : 2665
Age : 40
Country and city : Glasgow, Scozia
Laziale since : 1990
Registration date : 2008-05-23

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 5:19 pm

centrocampista wrote:
Giolazio wrote:
So many positives from this game. The fact we were without Rocchi and Zarate (not to mention Ledesma and Pandev) just shows the difference Baronio and esp Mauri are making just now. Stefano had a blinder tonight and the defence is beginning to look mean! Twisted Evil

We agree on something Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

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Curva Nord
Curva Nord

Number of posts : 827
Age : 36
Country and city : Romania, Bucharest
Laziale since : 1997
Registration date : 2008-05-23

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 6:48 pm

They were lucky because Zarate and Rocchi didnt played (like someone said before..not to mention Pandev and Brocchi)...and that referee was pathetic.

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LFever Team Member
LFever Team Member

Number of posts : 2192
Age : 53
Country and city : Belgio
Laziale since : 1989
Registration date : 2008-05-23

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 9:33 pm

Good game, even without Za(Pa)Ro.

We don't have to worry about this defeat, this is a part of this bioeoeotifoeoel game.
Next stop Salzburg.... dajeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
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Honour member
Honour member

Number of posts : 734
Age : 45
Country and city : Italy, Rome
Laziale since : I was born
Registration date : 2008-05-26

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptySun Sep 13, 2009 11:01 pm

An almost perfect match. I didn't expect it from a team without her best players.

On the bad side, it worries me seeing a bench with radu, eliseu and inzaghi. The season is long, injuries are part of the game and it's going to be tough...
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Curva Nord
Curva Nord

Number of posts : 595
Age : 45
Country and city : Kosovo
Laziale since : 1993
Registration date : 2008-05-23

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptyMon Sep 14, 2009 10:58 am

The guys played one hell of a match...but it wasnt to be at the end.

What a shame to lose points in such a fashion.
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Number of posts : 5
Age : 36
Country and city : Malaysia
Registration date : 2009-09-07

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptyMon Sep 14, 2009 2:33 pm

two of our players were acknowledge in Goal.com's serie A team of the week.


surely shows that our performances weren't 2nd to juve, especially these two, kolarov n diakhite Very Happy
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Curva Maestrelli
Curva Maestrelli

Number of posts : 383
Age : 39
Country and city : belgio ,malines
Laziale since : since i was 7
Registration date : 2009-06-26

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptyMon Sep 14, 2009 2:49 pm

just got back for Rome,and i have to say we where robbed by the ref. the first 60min we where the only team on the field,but when juve scored the team fell apart.but on the otherside man what a team we have!!!Kolarov was FAN-TAS-TIC!!!Diakite was a rock in the defense.Good match just the result wasn't in our advantage.But had a great time again and my wife saw lazio for the first time and immediately in the curva and she was blown away!!!Now she gets my love for Lazio.

Forza lazio Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 233637 Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 513117 Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 897303
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Curva Nord
Curva Nord

Number of posts : 859
Age : 37
Country and city : Estonia
Laziale since : 2000
Registration date : 2008-06-01

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptyMon Sep 14, 2009 4:45 pm

+1 Lazio fan i guess drake Very Happy
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Lazio Eagle
Lazio Eagle

Number of posts : 2163
Age : 43
Country and city : Sthlm Sweden
Registration date : 2008-07-15

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptyMon Sep 14, 2009 10:27 pm

I am amazed by the amount of positive comments after this defeat. In my opinion, we didnt have a brilliant game, and the fact that we had the major portion of the possesion without really being dangerous is a failure in itself. With a juve and a ref against us, it is more or less impossible to win, and I do agree that we showed quite a bit of heart this game, but all in all I think our weaknesses were presented with a tremendous effect...

Their goal is a typical sign of a defence that isnt balanced and that hasnt the quality needed. We should have been there to clear the ball that Caceres scored on. They managed to defeat any cross or attack wotghout letting a goal in... We had as many crosses as they did, why didnt we manage to score? Honestly, beside the goal that was ruled out (wrongly...) we didnt really make a serious threat, despite having a few good initiatives taken by Kolarov, Foggia and Matu.

Another weakness that was very evident is the lack of quality in the squad. Yes, no other club can make without their superstar,but what was going on against juve was a clear display on the fact that we have a bunch of decent players in the team, but we dont have many quality players. This is a result of Lotito mercati; not replacing Ledesma and Pandev with at least as good players is a crime. Last year we achieved a draw against juve, this time we lost 2-0. Improvement? Not in my eyes...

Lastly, three comments on individual players:
1. Extend Kolarov's and Muslera's contracts NOW. If this is not done, they too will leave to larger clubs fairly soon. They make a salary less than Manfred, Inzaghi or Brocchi... (by the way, so does Pandev and Ledesma...)
2. Cruz is a good player in the box, but only there. I know he will score plenty this season, he has that edge in front of goal, but him being our only addition in attack is a joke. In a game where we are not creating many chances, Cruz doesnt make any sense. And sadly enough, with Rocchi out we are left with...Inzaghi...
3. In my eyes Baronio showed he is not up to it - again. Many of you seem to have seen differently. No matter what, we havent got much fantasy with Roberto dictating the game. This is serious and this will make us suffer. Either he needs to step it up, or Ledesma needs to sign a new contract...

Our defence being a bit more organised made me happy, and so did the players showing heart and at least running for the whole game. We deserved a better result, and a point against juve (which, in all honesty, had a few decent players out) would have been great. But after a 2-0 defeat, at home, I am having a hard time praising the achievement...
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Curva Nord
Curva Nord

Number of posts : 570
Age : 38
Country and city : Northern Ireland, Belfast
Laziale since : 1995
Registration date : 2009-05-10

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptyMon Sep 14, 2009 11:56 pm

What a day I had!I got a Monte Mario ticket for 80euro,thats all they had left.

I forgot to bring my passport with me to the stadio and the bastards wouldnt let me in!!! Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 857265

I tried to get in a few times but they wouldnt budge,had to go back to my hotel,was seriously pissed off.

So I get my passport and I arrive 20 mins before kick-off.Monte Mario is not a bad spot but they dont stand or make all that much noise(enough though).I stood,must have moved about 10 times because of people asking me to sit down.I couldnt sit down,no way.A couple of stewards told me to take a seat as well,I did politely but once their backs were turned I was right back up. Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 365200 Also I was right beside juve section but they didnt bother me,I bothered them!!! Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 2483

View from Monte Mario!!!

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 100_0716

I really enjoyed the game despite the scoreline.Why exactly was the goal disallowed?I havent seen any highlights yet.Got talking to a Parma fan who told me the foul was against Cruz but it should never have been a foul at all.I had a good view and I didnt see anything wrong.When the goal went in me and some complete stranger started cheering like madmen,hugging each other like long lost brothers,then silence.Bastards.Here is a video of it,didnt actually catch the goal on camera(wasnt looking at what I was pointing at)But you can hear the reaction.

Like someone said,it changed the game.Shame we didnt play 2nd half as well as first half.Diakite was outstanding,great performance.Muslera did well but im not sure about juve's 2nd goal ,didnt look too good from where I was standing.We could've,should have done better.Ah well,theres always next time.


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Number of posts : 2227
Age : 62
Country and city : Italia, Roma
Laziale since : 1973
Registration date : 2008-05-02

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptyTue Sep 15, 2009 1:12 am

Just for few....
I was there.
I come back from the North ( one full day trip) 1000 km to be there at my place... Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 930696
I am pleased that you were there and i am sorry if i can' t help u out with tikets.
In any case i hope you enjoy the prematch music and so gia' due ore , non mollare mai -!

Last edited by Ermetico on Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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Curva Maestrelli
Curva Maestrelli

Number of posts : 269
Age : 39
Country and city : Canada/Alberta/Calgary Beirut/Lebanon
Laziale since : 1997
Registration date : 2008-05-22

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptyTue Sep 15, 2009 1:45 am

Cash wrote:
I am amazed by the amount of positive comments after this defeat. In my opinion, we didnt have a brilliant game, and the fact that we had the major portion of the possesion without really being dangerous is a failure in itself. With a juve and a ref against us, it is more or less impossible to win, and I do agree that we showed quite a bit of heart this game, but all in all I think our weaknesses were presented with a tremendous effect...

Their goal is a typical sign of a defence that isnt balanced and that hasnt the quality needed. We should have been there to clear the ball that Caceres scored on. They managed to defeat any cross or attack wotghout letting a goal in... We had as many crosses as they did, why didnt we manage to score? Honestly, beside the goal that was ruled out (wrongly...) we didnt really make a serious threat, despite having a few good initiatives taken by Kolarov, Foggia and Matu.

Another weakness that was very evident is the lack of quality in the squad. Yes, no other club can make without their superstar,but what was going on against juve was a clear display on the fact that we have a bunch of decent players in the team, but we dont have many quality players. This is a result of Lotito mercati; not replacing Ledesma and Pandev with at least as good players is a crime. Last year we achieved a draw against juve, this time we lost 2-0. Improvement? Not in my eyes...

Lastly, three comments on individual players:
1. Extend Kolarov's and Muslera's contracts NOW. If this is not done, they too will leave to larger clubs fairly soon. They make a salary less than Manfred, Inzaghi or Brocchi... (by the way, so does Pandev and Ledesma...)
2. Cruz is a good player in the box, but only there. I know he will score plenty this season, he has that edge in front of goal, but him being our only addition in attack is a joke. In a game where we are not creating many chances, Cruz doesnt make any sense. And sadly enough, with Rocchi out we are left with...Inzaghi...
3. In my eyes Baronio showed he is not up to it - again. Many of you seem to have seen differently. No matter what, we havent got much fantasy with Roberto dictating the game. This is serious and this will make us suffer. Either he needs to step it up, or Ledesma needs to sign a new contract...

Our defence being a bit more organised made me happy, and so did the players showing heart and at least running for the whole game. We deserved a better result, and a point against juve (which, in all honesty, had a few decent players out) would have been great. But after a 2-0 defeat, at home, I am having a hard time praising the achievement...

well i cannot agree , First Cruz is a poacher , and is a good dribbler and has great technique, 2nd we do not need an additional strikers we've been hit with a bad luck that happens with every team 2 of our starting strikers got injured and we were left with a winger playing out of his position , thats normal 3 strikers are enough imo.3d, Cristian Ledesma has not been anywhere near Spectacular and a playmaker, most of his passes were inaccurate and he's never been up to the par on the other hand Baronio has showed he can play long balls accurately and anticipate challenges and a better tactic offensively than Ledesma.
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Curva Nord
Curva Nord

Number of posts : 570
Age : 38
Country and city : Northern Ireland, Belfast
Laziale since : 1995
Registration date : 2009-05-10

Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09   Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 EmptyTue Sep 15, 2009 3:44 pm

What was the official attendance at this game?Was really pleased there was so many at it!!!

I missed out so gia' due ore.uurrgghh No
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Serie A: LAZIO-JUVENTUS, Saturday, 12-09-09 - Page 7 Empty
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